mental health program

On Site Services - FY 2012/2013

MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM - 1,121 Contacts A contributing factor to homelessness is mental illness. Our collaboration with the Homeless Outreach Nursing Center focuses on connecting with and stabilizing the lives of the homeless mentally ill. Twice weekly at our Breakfast Program, mental health staff provided information/referral and general screening services to 782 guests and direct mental health services to 339.

Robert, a long term volunteer with the Breakfast Program

Robert, a long term volunteer with the Breakfast Program


Unresolved legal issues are often barriers to housing and job acquisition/retention. Our collaboration with the Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee, along with volunteer attorneys, addresses such issues at both our Breakfast and Dinner Programs on a weekly basis. At the Breakfast site, 49 clinics serving 123 guests were held. Municipal citations comprised 33% of issues dealt with; next closest, all at 6%, were driver’s license recovery, criminal, and landlord/tenant issues. The Dinner site offered 19 clinics serving 17 guests with the majority of issues focusing on landlord/tenant and municipal citations.


Staff from St. Ben’s Medical Clinic provided blood pressure checks and medical referrals at our breakfast site for 244 guests and conducted flu shot clinics serving 55 guests.

SUNDRIES FROM THE AVENUE - 25,060 Items Distributed

Toiletry items (soap, lotion, shampoo, laundry soap, combs, toothbrushes, toothpaste and deodorant) were distributed monthly to guests at our St. James’ Saturday Lunch by Sundries from the Avenue, a ministry of St. James’ Episcopal Church. This ministry is particularly important at this downtown location where a majority of Gathering guests are homeless.


Sixteen different groups provided bag lunches or sandwiches for Gathering guests to take home with them following the Saturday Lunch meals. This is especially important on Saturdays since the next large scale meal available is not until noon Sunday. An estimated 13,625 bag lunches were distributed valued at $20,438.

Preservation Peppers donated by the Witte's Vegetable Farm c/o Bill Balbach

Preservation Peppers donated by the Witte's Vegetable Farm c/o Bill Balbach


This project (in its third year in 2012) focuses on preserving excess donated produce received during the growing season for use in our winter meals, providing additional flavor and nutrition. The 2012 growing season suffered a severe drought affecting the amount of produce available. However, 2,225 pounds of bell peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots and green beans were still donated by area farmers, gardeners and food banks. 43 volunteers (270 donated hours) processed the donations into 1,330 pounds of frozen produce.

Additional Program Information: FY 2011/2012

Mental Health 1,345 contacts One of the contributing factors to homelessness is mental illness.  Our collaboration with the Homeless Outreach Nursing Center focuses on connecting with and stabilizing the lives of the homeless mentally ill.  At our breakfast site mental health staff provided information/referral and general screening services to 981 Gathering breakfast guests, and direct mental health services to 364.

Produce Preservation Project – 3,496 pounds frozen

2011 was the second year of our fresh produce preservation project, designed to preserve excess donated produce received during the growing season.  The preserved produce was used in our winter meals, providing additional flavor and nutrition.  Fifty-eight (58) volunteers supported by Gathering staff froze 3,496 pounds of basil, bell peppers, cabbage, green beans and zucchini donated from farmers, gardeners and food banks.

Medical Assistance – 11 visits

Staff from St. Ben’s Medical Clinic provided blood pressure checks and medical referrals at our Breakfast site once a month for ten months out of the year and conducted flu shot clinics serving 48 guests.  Walgreens also conducted a flu shot clinic at our Breakfast site providing shots to an additional 15 guests.

Legal Assistance – 72 clinics

Attorneys from The Legal Aid Society conducted clinics at both weekday meal sites.  At our downtown Breakfast site, 51 clinics were held serving 167 guests.  The majority of issues (49%) dealt with municipal citations, warrants and fines.  The next highest issue was housing at 7%.  The remainder ranged from drivers license recovery to family issues to social security.  Twenty two clinics were held at the south side Dinner Program, serving 22 guests.  Issues were varied and included tax issues, medical malpractice, insurance, housing and social security.  Resolution of legal issues is often a first step towards job and housing stability.

Sundries from the Avenue – 2,064 served

Items such as soap, lotion, shampoo, toothbrushes & toothpaste, laundry soap, combs, and deodorant (23,101 items) were distributed to guests on a monthly basis through Sundries from the Avenue, sponsored by St. James’ Episcopal Church.