Speakers Bureau

Educating the community on The Gathering’s work and on local hunger issues is part of our mission.  We have speakers available to give educational presentations, facilitate discussions, participate in outreach efforts, volunteer and gift fairs and lead poverty simulation games.

Topics include:

·         Why are people hungry and what can we do about it?

·         The Gathering and its impact on hunger in Milwaukee.

·         A faith response to hunger

·         How can I help?  Suggestions for action.

Presentations are 5 minutes to 45 minutes in length and are appropriate for business and staff meetings, service clubs, school classes, youth and adult forums, mission moments, and more.  They can be tailored for children as young as first grade through adult.

We are also available to participate in outreach fairs, volunteer fairs and alternative gift fairs.

For more information:

Email soulfood@thegatheringwis.org 
or call (414) 272-4122

At least two weeks notification is appreciated!