FUEL Milwaukee Adopts the Gathering

In February, FUEL Milwaukee adopted the Gathering as part of their Adopt-A-Nonprofit program. FUEL Milwaukee is a community engagement network that seeks to connect young professionals to organizations serving Milwaukee.

Every year, FUEL’s Creative Council selects a number of nonprofits to partner with through their Adopt-A-Nonprofit program. Through this program, the Council works to promote each non-profit through various events including a launch event (200+participants), social events and volunteering/fundraising efforts. The benefits include publicity, education about the nonprofit, and a large volunteer base of professionals with all types of networks. So far, this partnership has been very rewarding for the Gathering—bringing in new volunteers, raising awareness and helping us spread our mission!

One of the Gathering’s Creative Council partners, Corrie, explained the importance of the program. “The Adopt-a-Nonprofit is my favorite part of FUEL and the Creative Council. Without FUEL, I probably wouldn’t know about half of the needs of our city. The opportunity to learn about what great work is being done is one thing but to be able to be part of that great work is priceless. That’s the benefit of Adopt-a-Nonprofit, you connect to people, places and organizations you might not have on your own, to make a difference right here in the city of Milwaukee.”

Special thanks to Corrie and Kara, FUEL’s creative council members who elected to work with the Gathering, Tiffany, Tara and Gathering Board Members. These indiviudals have already put in a great deal of time, talent and energy towards the partnership. We look forward to more social and volunteer events with FUEL, and we hope to welcome more FUEL members into the Gathering family.

Learn more about FUEL Milwaukee and the adopt-a-nonprofit program.